Tips to protect your equipment | EticData

Tips to protect your equipment

Comment consejos para proteger tu ordenador

In our day to day we make continuous use of computers: at home, at work,… so it is very important to protect them against possible external threats that can make us lose all the information we have in them.

For this reason, we want to give you a serie of tips that will help you to protect your equipment.

Keep your equipment up to date

Keep your equipment up to date by installing the latest updates on your operating system, applications and drivers, as they correct vulnerabilities and improve their performance.

Protect your user account

Protect your user account using a strong password. in order for a password to be strong, it must include the following requirements:

  • Have a minimum length of 8 characters.
  • Contain alphanumeric characters (lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and numbers).
  • Contain special characters ($, #, &, etc.).
  • It does not have to contain personal data: such as relevant dates, names…

Disable automatic login

By disabling automatic login, you will prevent anyone from easily accessing the information you have on your computers.

Activate the automatic block of the equipment

Having the automatic block of your equipment activated, when either turns to sleep mode or you are not using it, will prevent other people from having access.

Use antivirus and keep it updated,

Use antivirus programs for a better protection of your computers. Choose those antivirus that offer complete protection, both for the computer and the web browser. Always keep them updated for a full security.

Uninstall apps you don’t use

Operating systems come with many pre-installed applications that are not very useful or that we are not going to use. It is advisable to uninstall them for security reasons, since they may contain vulnerabilities and not using them, leaving them out of date, they can be an open door for possible attacks.

Review the privacy options and configure them according to your needs

Privacy choices are important, because that’s how we determine how we want apps to use our data when collecting the information. We must also configure how the usage statistics collected by the system are sent.

Disable Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connection when not in use

It is recommended to disable the connection is Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when we do not use our equipment, since any type of wireless connection can be another entry point to our equipment.

Activate the firewall

We will have to have a firewall activated and configured, since it is a program that acts as a wall that protects us from intrusions.

Enable disk encryption

Disk encryption ensures that the data we have on the computer is not readable to third parties who have access to our equipment.

From EticData we want to help you keep your personal computers and those of your company protected. If you have any doubts or want to ask us any questions, you have us at your disposal here.

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